A shooter where you can't control the player
Instead, you control the bullet
You can choose upgrades to add chaos!

Become the bullet hell!

(Please be patient with the player's aiming skills, they are trying their best)

Game made under 48 hours for the GMTK Game Jam 2023.

Thanks to Buenismo for helping to test the game.

Development log


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Nice update! A lot of great little fixes. The bosses and turrets took some getting used to, but I liked them.

The game slows to a crawl and eventually crashes around the 30-minute mark if you upgrade your small bullets too many times. Example: https://www.loom.com/share/4ab56834365b4ee7b48aeee4a1232cec

Btw, what happened to full-screen mode? It's mysteriously missing with this update.

Thanks for the feedback. The full-screen button should be back now.

About the crashing, I might need to implement Unity DOTS to optimize everything, which would involve redoing most of the game code... So I should say that I won't update the game anymore, except for bug fixes.

(Also, you can consider crashing the game as a way of winning the game! XD).


There are probably easier ways to fix it. For example, you could set a limit on the number of times you can upgrade the small bullet skills. Anyway, it's your game and it's fine to be done with it. I've abandoned plenty of games with lots of room for improvement just because I felt done with them, so I get it. Thanks for the fun!


Well, I managed to crash the game at 29:58. I still want more bullets! 


I scored 18:02! I think I found a bug. If you get the explosion powerup and the bounce powerup, the bullets bounce off the black shields instead of exploding on impact.

Thanks for pointing that out! I have just released an update including a fix for that.


Ping 300+ player be like.


Great game! (I had the same exact idea!) Although you did a much better job than I would have.


I thought this would be really boring and repetitive, but with the powerups it makes it really fun! Amazing job!


Fun idea and lovely implementation! Good job!


This game is really really addicting! Nice work! I love it!